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CKV / Relational: New collaboration


The Belgian niche bank CKV has selected Arotron Debt Management platform to manage their loans portfolio and automate their debt collection, recovery and restructuring processes, in order to make its application landscape complete and future proof.

The Company

CKV is an unlisted, independent, stable, Belgian niche bank that has been active throughout Belgium since 1956 and since 2018 also in France. The head office is in Waregem, where most of the nearly 60 employees work. CKV specializes in tailor-made solutions for mortgage-guaranteed loans, for both private and professional purposes. CKV has an extensive distribution network of independent credit brokers in Belgium and France. Every year, approximately 300 million euros of mortgage-guaranteed loans are issued by CKV in Belgium and France.

In addition, customers can come to CKV for a varied range of traditional savings products, which are offered to the public via independent savings banking agents and via the fintech platforms and . These deposits are used to finance the loans, making CKV a healthy bank that is fully self-financing.


Digital Transformation Program at CKV

Until the beginning of 2020, all business processes at CKV were supported with an in-house developed Windows application that was developed over the past 25 years.
This software has fulfilled its role very successfully, but in recent years it has become clear that digital trends cannot be efficiently supported on this platform. The technology of this application is an inhibiting factor to allow application functionality to evolve quickly and flexibly in function of business opportunities. In addition, the risks for maintainability and continuity will increase significantly in the coming years.

The company management is very ambitious to further develop, diversify and grow the business activities. To make this possible, it is necessary to make the application landscape and IT resources future-proof. That is why a digital transformation program was started at the end of 2018, led by digital transformation officer Emmanuel Lambert. The program establishes an applicative architecture at CKV based on 3 software vendors : nCino, mBanq and now a third foundational pillar – Arotron from RelationalFS – will be established to make the application landscape complete and future proof.